Grand Muscadelle


Winery: Chambers Rosewood

Region: Rutherglen

Variety: Muscadelle

Wine Type: Fortified

Price Guide: $110



Chambers Rosewood Grand Muscadelle is sourced from old, dry grown vines on the estate vineyard in Rutherglen. Their low yields produce fruit with intense flavour.

The grapes are left to shrivel on the vine. The raisined grapes are then picked and crushed. The intensely sweet juice is fortified with a neutral grape spirit and set aside to age in oak barrels.

Only the best wines are added to the base solera, blended from parcels that date back to World War I. This method of fractional blending for each release produces a reliable style and quality.

Deep walnut gold, Chambers Rosewood Grand Muscadelle is decadent with intense layers of flavour, luscious texture and a fresh, sweet finish.

Fully matured and ready for immediate enjoyment.

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